Friday, October 30, 2009


i have up until very recently been a hater of blogs. i rarely care to hear what people are saying in the moment so the idea of someone storing up all their little mundane thoughts only to share them with the world and feel that they had accomplished something was on par with a child recently potty trained wanting to show you what they just did. don't get me wrong to the blogger and the young pooper these materializations of what they have been working on all day are truly miraculous, i just didn't care to see them.
these aren't exactly the kinds of sentiments you might expect to hear from someone in the counseling profession, but if you'd let us talk for once you'd realize we are a pretty sick, twisted bunch. so why then, you might ask (i might ask who you are, but that's putting too much thought into this process) have i decided to join the rest of the blogging republic and further pollute cyberspace with my petulant remarks and tender reminiscings? because i want to feel special too damnit! that and because i have a couple of hours a day to kill and to be completely honest it's because this is a time in my life that i want to remember- so i can have the luxury of looking back on this time in my life and have a document that doesn't wither with the decay of old age.
and so it begins... my name is christine breland and i am a peace corps volunteer in punta gorda, belize. i have been assigned to work as a youth development volunteer for the next two years. i'll try to go slow so that you can keep up.

1 comment:

  1. ...Love It...especially the part about people in the counseling true...we are a twisted bunch! I'm with you on the blogging thing...I never thought I'd share my thoughts (like I do on Facebook)...but I actually find it quite cathartic! Anyway...keep up the good work and I'm gonna have that Halloween candy on its way to you really soon! - Mike S
